Welcome to “Timberlane Llamas” in Somerset, Ohio
5308 Stagecoach Road – 43783

Thanks for letting us share with you the thing we llove more than anything — our llamas and our small farm in southeastern Ohio. Our program … to raise the healthiest, gentlest, most correct llamas we can so that every person who buys llamas from us will have nothing but success and happiness with them… whether it’s showing them at fairs, producing beautiful babies with them, or having them as their companions in the field and for life!
Llama education and support after each sale has always been the goal of “Timberlane Llamas”. As you tour our farm, we hope you will find some interesting ways you can share your llamas with others. Jack shares some of the original plans he has designed over the years that have made caring for our llamas much easier.
We retired from being teachers and administrators in the public school system many years ago.
What started out as a love affair with our first two little boy llamas over 30 years ago has turned into a full time and a full service llama business in which we consider ourselves the luckiest people in the world!
We always tell people who come to our farm to NOT buy llamas to make money… however, you certainly can if you “treat them – feed them – breed them right”.
Our place is only 25 acres so we don’t call it a farm. This is pretty typical of many people who fall in love with llamas and decide to raise them. But it’s plenty big enough for these animals!
Our specialty is helping new people get started and then staying with them as long as necessary because it’s important to us that they do it right.
Then … so much happiness and pleasure will follow! Guaranteed!

For more information, please contact
Donna Moore 740-605-7400