Why Llamas?

  • The geldings serve as excellent “guards” for sheep, goat, fowl, alpaca, or any other smaller animal herds. 
  • They are one of the best 4-H projects for children and youth.
  • They pull carts – single or tandem.
  • They are excellent pack animals for hikers and campers.
  • They are beautiful in weddings, friendly at any type of get together or community event. 

They will go with you
wherever you want, and do whatever you want!

They give llove and llove getting it in return!

You will have gorgeous, colorful babies from them. 

They llove visiting classrooms.

They are wonderful therapy animals.

The Breeding Males are incredibly gentle also. 

They wear costumes beautifully
for shows or any occasion. 

The fiber is excellent to spin
and weave into garments. 

I guess, this night, we were afraid “Silver Charm”, just two days old, might get too cold!

They llove parades! 
(Jack and “Voyager”)

You can show them at Llama Shows…almost every weekend!

For more information,  please contact
Donna Moore 740-605-7400